Onboarding Support Levels

Plan Type
  • Email Support
  • Access to Knowledge Base
  • Everything in Starter, plus

  • Slack (optional as an add-on)
  • Everything in Pro+, plus

  • Named Account Manager
  • Named Technical Accounts Manager
  • Dedicated Slack Channel (optional)
  • Availability
    10am-7pm HKT, Mon-Friday (except public holidays)
    10am-7pm HKT, Mon-Friday (except public holidays)
    Response time will vary based on Issue Severity Levels
    Average Response Time
    < 24 business hours
    < 12 hours
    < 2 hours
    Guaranteed Response Time
    24 hours
    12 hours
    SLA Thresholds
  • Uptime Percentage
  • 99%
  • Downtime
  • ~43 minutes
    ~22-23 minutes
    ~4-5 minutes
  • Service Credits
  • 5x SLA
    15x SLA
    25x SLA

    Onboarding process

    Every Chinafy website requires an initial evaluation, set-up phase, then ongoing support. However, the various plans differ in terms of processes included given the level of resources required. More on the Chinafy onboarding process below. 

    1) Site is evaluated and plan is generated 
    2) Introductory call with stakeholders
    3) Subscribe via Stripe. Invoicing is an option for annual or multi-year users. 
    4) Contracts are standard as shared Chinafy’s Legal Hub online 
    5) Chinafy configures the website/web app 
    6) Chinafy shares Go Live Instructions & 1x Go Live call is coordinated with the IT team. 
    7) Ongoing support via Pro+ Plan levels

    Custom contracts or processes are not included or supported in this tier. The standard configuration time is 1.5-2 weeks. 

    1) Site is evaluated 
    2) Introductory call with various stakeholders. 
    3) Vendor onboarding and procurement process, as needed. For example, vendor onboarding forms,  security questionnaires, purchase order generation and more. 
    4) An Enterprise Order is generated with terms of service and other legal documents. Discussion or requested variations on our standard Legal documents & contract terms, if any, are made through email or calls if needed.
    5) Enterprise Order is signed by both parties 
    6) Payment is processed 
    7) Chinafy configures the website/web app 
    8) Go Live calls and onboarding support as needed
    9) Website goes live. 
    10) Ongoing support as per Enterprise levels

    Enterprise (Custom)
    Please enquire for more information and share a bit more context on your specific case.


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